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JC Slurry Submersible Pump

The JC Slurry pumps are designed for medium slurry applications with efficiency in mind. With the adjustable wear plate, the efficiency of the pump can be calibrated over time without the disassembly of the pump. The pumps are available with an outlet size from 2″ up to 8″. The pumps deliver a head of up to 80m at speeds less than 1800 RPM and a maximum flow of up to 1000 mᶟ/h.




  1. In the smaller size pumps, solids of up to 0% of the pumps discharge size can be passed.
  2. In the larger VJC models, solids of up to 25% of the discharge size can be handled.
  3. S.G’s to 1.4 can be pumped.


  1. Heads in excess of 80m can be achieved at speed of less than 1800rpm.
  2. Best efficiency point varies from the mid-50’s in the smaller sizes & to the mid-70’s in the larger sized pumps.

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