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IP Series Industrial Hose Pump

The IP series of peristaltic pumps are similar to their smaller siblings in the ISI range, but with higher flow rates being achievable. Like the ISI range of pumps, the IP series can be used in the sludge, slurry and mortar applications as well as the paints, glues, inks, acids and food industries. Additional advantages that peristaltic pumps offer over other alternatives include quiet operation, reversible rotation and easy replacement of the hose which is the only part of the pump in contact with the substance being pumped. The IP series can handle pressures up to 8 bar and flow rates up to 26 m­³/h.




  1. Suction lift to 9 meters.
  2. Can run dry without damage.
  3. Seal-less.
  4. Reversible rotation.
  5. Resistant to abrasion.
  6. High dosing accuracy.
  7. Easy and economical to maintain.
  8. Corrosion resistant.
  9. Silent.
  10. Easy to clean.

Suitable for tough and demanding industrial applications up to 32 000 l/h and up to 8 bar. The 70D models is well suited for applications up to 64 000 l/h. Quiet running and good for viscous fluids.

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